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Deeds From The Arcane Epoch – Ruins Of Thehshep

This adventure is designed for four to five heroes of fourth level. It should only take a single session to complete.  A rogue PC is a must for this adventure.  It has an ancient Egyptian theme and Thehshep itself should be located in a desert region in the campaign world.

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Deeds From The Arcane Epoch – Ruins Of Thehshep

This adventure is designed for four to five heroes of fourth level. It should only take a single session to complete.  A rogue PC is a must for this adventure.  It has an ancient Egyptian theme and Thehshep itself should be located in a desert region in the campaign world.



So, you’ve agreed to run a game today and you have not had time to even think about an adventure. Don’t freak out. We have you covered. This document is all that you need. Run this adventure. It will be over in one session. Then you can get back to your own evil machinations next session.

Almost forgotten in the deepest part of the desert stand the remains of a once great religious center from centuries past. What was once a thriving city hub became a tomb for its greatest ruler after he fell to the barbarian hordes. Rumors abound that the golden treasures of long-dead priest-kings can still be found there. Only a few have ventured to Thehshep and returned with anything to prove such stories true. While the owners of these treasures are long dead, there yet remains a jealous owner that would deny any thief.

The adventure presents the ruined temple complex of the Valley of Thehshep once made great by the almighty Ash-Oris, who has not truly died. The golden trinkets that have been taken from the ruins have proven to be cursed. Any that would wish to truly possess the treasures of Ash-Oris must first find a way to overcome the power of his covetous curse.

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